IBANY Webinar: Top 10 Ingredients for Cooking up Sales Success
Do You Have What it Takes to be Successful in Sales?
IBANY and Sales Development Expert Walt Gernano were online Wednesday, March 23 at 2:00 p.m. for the winning ingredients to connect and close with current clients and prospects.
On your sales calls, do you have a hard time getting your prospects to really engage in a conversation about their business challenges? If you get to the proposal stage, do you have too many in your pipeline who have said to you: “I’ll think it over and let you know.” There are skills you can develop to help you navigate these situations, create more compelling questions and be more prepared to help your prospects make decisions and avoid the dreaded TIO (think it over).
Walt Gerano, Sales Development Expert with Anthony Cole Training Group, will take you through the Top 10 ideas that you must address to increase your sales success. These Top 10 have come from working with insurance producers for 25 years helping them overcome their sales challenges and close more business.
Speaker Bio:
Walt Gerano
Sales Development Expert
When I got into sales over 30 years ago, I never imagined that it would lead me to today. I love to sell (hunt) and love to coach and today I get to do both.
Born and raised in Columbus Ohio, I am the product of walking in my father’s shadow. He taught me life’s most important lessons; work hard, always tell the truth, help those less fortunate and have faith.
I am humbled by the opportunity in which I get to know people on such a personal level through coaching; it’s why I love it so much. I have learned that what really drives us to whatever professional success we have is a result of what we are passionate about personally. When you can tap into that and translate it into behaviors BOOM happens.
The great life insurance producer John Savage once said “Anyone who would rather work than play has never really played.” When I get a chance to play, I love to fish, play golf and read. Not at the same time.
My favorite quote is from former First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt who said “Don’t let anyone tell you no who doesn’t have the power to tell you yes.”
IBANY Webinar: Sexual Abuse and Misconduct (SAM) Risk Management
Is it time to re-think Sexual Abuse and Misconduct (SAM) Risk Management?
Learn SAM trends and proactive approaches with IBANY presenters Tim Jaggs, Founder of BOKRIM, and Shawn McCall of Gallagher’s Risk Placement Services.
Topics include:
- Sexual misconduct market update
- Current approaches to SAM risk and their flaws
- Proactive options for Sexual Misconduct Risk Management
- Trends and forecast of SAM marketplace
- The future of SAM risk management – effecting change
Presenter Bios:
Tim Jaggs
BOKRIM Founder
Tim developed the first stand-alone sexual abuse and misconduct (SAM) liability insurance for the Catholic Church after the California SAM statute of limitations window first opened in 2003.
Working with most types of youth-serving organization since then, Tim observed that while the scale, scope, and complexity of SAM risk were all increasing, the risk management tools available to organizations were changing hardly at all.
Compounding this, few people responsible for youth safety or SAM risk management are risk management experts. The consequence is that, though they all want to protect children and their organizations as well as possible, they are having to use tools that are becoming less and less adequate for either task.
Children and the people and organizations trying to protect them all deserve better.
In response, Tim developed the BOKRIM Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Safety System (or BASS for short). A BASS enables any organization to use risk management best practices and enables people with no former risk management experience to manage SAM risk like SAM risk management experts.
Acknowledging the impact a BASS can have on an organization’s SAM risk management, some insurers offer up to a 25% premium discount on SAM insurance for a highly rated BASS implementation.
Shawn McCall
Senior Vice President –RPS PNP
Shawn specializes in the Property and Casualty placement of Religious & Nonprofit risks for Risk Placement Services (RPS), a division of Arthur J. Gallagher Company (AJG). He has been with RPS over 13 years as well as holds over 25 years of experience in Property & Casualty Insurance.
Shawn’s focus is on placing Casualty on larger complex risks and developing new programs. A major component of Shawn’s role includes managing the placement of 60 plus Religious accounts and groups across the country. Plus Shawn co-leads a team that is involved in underwriting and placing coverage for the Bishops Plan Insurance Company (BPIC) a Gallagher managed captive with over 30 Diocesan clients.
In addition, Shawn and his team have a specialization with Sexual Misconduct and Abuse (SAM) placements. He has developed several SAM programs in London the past 13 years and helped developed SAM resources.
Shawn has worked with Church Mutual (CMIC) the past thirteen years and was a part of helping establish CMIC’s agency group, being their first appointed agent outside of their direct agents. Plus Shawn assisted in developing CMIC’s School program. Shawn has been on the CMIC Producer Council since inception ten years ago.
IBANY Webinar: Excellence in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Awards Presentation
Password to watch: gpnh6T#%
IBANY honors individuals making a positive community impact in Diversity, Equity & Inclusion in the insurance industry with Awards of Excellence.
Sponsored by
Potential areas to consider are: demonstrating best practices; transforming workplace cultures; developing innovative or equitable staff policies; bridging cultural divides; promoting supplier diversity; leveraging employee resource groups; practicing thought leadership; catalyzing community impact; advancing gender equity; innovating in inclusion; other.
IBANY members and our greater network have been working hard in the field and throughout their company to create more inclusive environments – it’s time they are recognized for their efforts.
Contact IBANY Staff to learn more about this event and the sponsorship opportunities available at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IBANY Webinar: Hot Topics in the Fiduciary Liability Insurance Market
What is Fiduciary Liability? And what is going on with:
- Excessive fee litigation and its impact on the market
- The DOL
- Cyber guidance
- Mental Health Parity enforcement
- ESOP enforcement
- ESG and other investment options in defined contribution plans
View the virtual conversation with Wendy K Von Wald, Fiduciary Product Manager for Travelers, Bond & Specialty Insurance that was held on Wednesday, February 9th at 10:00 a.m. EST via Zoom.
Presenter Bio:
Wendy K Von Wald is the Fiduciary Product Manager for Travelers, Bond & Specialty Insurance. Wendy joined Travelers in June of 2016. Previously she was the Fiduciary Product Manager for CHUBB N.A. From October 2000 until April 2007 Wendy worked for Aon’s Financial Services Group in legal and brokerage capacities, including Managing Director and Fiduciary Liability Practice Leader. At Aon Wendy was both a national resource for FSG brokers and clients relative to fiduciary liability coverage; she was also responsible for the placement of Management Liability policies for Fortune 500 companies.
Prior to joining Aon in October 2000, Wendy was an associate at White and Steele, P.C., and a Deputy District Attorney for the 18 th Judicial District Attorney’s Office in Colorado from January 1997 through April 2000. Wendy obtained her J.D. in 1996 from the University of Denver College of Law where she was the Editor-in-Chief of the Transportation Law Journal. She graduated from Denison University with a B.A., in English. Wendy is licensed to practice law in the state of Colorado.
Wendy is a frequent speaker at conferences and webinars hosted by: The American Conference Institute, ExecuSummit, The American Bar Association’s Joint Committee on Employee Benefit (JCEB) and PLUS.
IBANY Webinar: Cannabis Insurance
Password to watch: j5c!5iB+
Are you interested in learning more about the cannabis industry and the available options for cannabis insurance products?
Previously recorded on Wednesday, August 10th at 10:00 a.m. EST for an IBANY educational webinar.