Impact and Outlook of A Hard Umbrella Market

 Registration is closed for this event
Thursday, February 25th, at 10 am via GoToWebinar

Impact and Outlook of A Hard Umbrella Market

Due to various factors continuing to negatively impact loss trends and underwriting profitability, the commercial liability marketplace remains hard. COVID-19 added a level of uncertainty because we have yet to understand the pandemic’s ultimate impact on the economy, financial markets, or insurance losses.
So, where do we go from here? What should we anticipate from the Umbrella Market as we look toward the coming year?

Join our expert panel as they weigh in.


Thank you to our 2021 Education Sponsor

February 25th, 2021 from 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM
Event Fee(s)
Register with a Donation to the IBANY Education Fund (Tax-Deductable) $20.00
Register without Donation $0.00
Webinar Event
Webinar Key 1253698754973345296